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Robogals Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life


  • Day in the life

Vigneshvaaran Varqa A/L Vivegananthan

A busy day at work followed by a long commute home, ending with relaxation, socializing, and an attempt at knitting before bedtime.
  • Graduate stories
A versatile product engineer at FieldEx, with a passion for continuous learning and problem-solving, shares insights into their role, background, and advice for aspiring professionals.

Vigneshvaaran Varqa A/L Vivegananthan

  • Graduate stories
I love that I am trying to address such an important issue in society today, working with a company that is committed to being part of the solution to climate change.

Vinati Chaudhari

  • Graduate stories
I work in a great team, we are constantly learning new things about the business and have some fun along the way too.

Vince Giacchi

  • Graduate stories
The people and the culture at Nous is the highlight for me. It’s a place you can do great work with people who want to make a difference.

Vincent Chan

  • Graduate stories
Grasp any opportunities that come your way to meet new, incredible people

Vincent Diep

  • Day in the life

Vincent Diep

Vincent studied Bachelor of Finance at Australian National University and is now working as an Investment Operations Analyst at CSC.