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Robogals Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Career Mentors
Failure isn’t failure if you learn something from it – then it becomes a stepping stone. People don't like to talk about bad times so it's hard to know, but more ‘successful people’ than you may realise bombed at something else before they started succeeding.

Lillian Zhou

  • Graduate stories
I have always enjoyed maths and science throughout high school so I wanted a career which would reflect this.

Linda Zhang

  • Day in the life

Lucas Leung

A workshop is a great way to engage the client and get the creative juices flowing. This opportunity is exciting because I get to interact with clients and do some business travel.
  • Graduate stories
What I have enjoyed most about the program has been the opportunities given to me through networking. Ixom has a great environment for recognizing people for the work that they do.

Luke Duffy

  • Graduate stories
The culture of learning has given me the opportunity to engage in projects that challenge me on a technical and personal level and has allowed me to interact with people and processes across a global landscape.

Luke Millstead

  • Graduate stories
Akuna is always looking for smart, driven problem solvers who are passionate in the work that Akuna does, so if you can show an interviewer that then you have a good shot.


  • Graduate stories
Have a go at every opportunity, even if you don’t think you are capable, have confidence in yourself and give it a go.

Lydia Gentle

  • Graduate stories
Madeleine studied Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws at the University of New South Wales, and is now a government lawyer at Services Australia.
