Former Summer Clerk, Construction/2021 Graduate
Juris Doctor at University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) / Bachelor of Arts at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
Lawyer at Legal Aid NSW
Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Actuarial Consultant at Finity Consulting
Bachelor of Commerce at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Licensed Financial Advisor at Millennium Dragon NBO, Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc.
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) at De La Salle University
Litigation Graduate (Perth office) at Gilbert + Tobin
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Commerce at The University of Notre Dame Australia
GovTechTalent Graduate Consultant at Inland Revenue
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours at University of Waikato
Experience Designer at Suncorp New Zealand
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, Statistics) and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (Psychology) at University of Auckland