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Foodstuffs North Island

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Foodstuffs North Island

8.2 rating for Recruitment, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The interview process was good, and they provided advice and support during it. Unsure if there was an assessment, if there was, it was very standard. Overall, the process was reasonably quick and once I was hired there was great communication before the start date.
Intern, Auckland - 03 Sep 2024
In my role, when I interviewed - I was asked in for an interview and required no assessments. At the time of me applying for this role I was already an intern, so the interview process was pretty smooth.
Full time role, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
During my time, the internship role interview was just one session with the senior manager and the store office services manager at that time. I just had to submit a resume and do the interview when I got the invitation. They told me I was going to get a response in 2 days, then I was told I got accepted. For the permanent role, there was an interview to see if I was really fit for the team as a permanent employee because it would require more expertise and responsibility. After that they came back to me in within 3 days (I think) to let me know of the result. It was simple so I really appreciated it. Not sure if it helps, but I did not have a break between my intern role and permanent role so I did not really notice the process because I was busy with work.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
The interview process consisted of two interviews which were with different members of the team.
Intern, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
Bery quick but very casual which helped me be the best version of myself for the interview.
Graduate, Auckland - 16 Aug 2024
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Unsure, too long ago. All I can remember is that it was reasonably standard with questions like "tell us a time you had a problem in team and how did you resolve it", "Why do you want to work for us".
Intern, Auckland - 03 Sep 2024
What strengths would you bring to the team? What do I bring to the team? What are your weaknesses? A problem you identified and made a simplified solution.
Full time role, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
I can't really remember but many of the classic ones - why Foodstuffs? why this area of work? tell us about yourself, etc.
Intern, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
Regarding my skills and if it matches with the role that I was applying for. For example, if I had experience in handling big data or what did I use Excel for in my previous job. Some technical things like that and social aspects like if I think I could fit working in a multicultural workplace. They had also asked if I was aware of the company and what they do.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Look into the company values - they really do align with these in daily practice.
Intern, Auckland - 03 Sep 2024
Make sure to do research on the company and see if it aligns with your values. It makes it much more enjoyable when your values align as its an environment you want to work in.
Full time role, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
I think for a lot of companies they would prefer candidates that have knowledge of their company and their business so studying about Foodstuffs and their brands would totally help. Aside from that, come with a likeable personality because it is easier to work with less-skilled people with good personality than more-skilled people with bad attitude (quoting my then senior manager)
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
I'd advise them to make sure they really know about what Foodstuffs is as a business, and its core values. Being able to relate and talk to those values really helps attract both you to the company and the company to you.
Intern, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
Put your best foot forward and be ready to take on anything that comes your way.
Graduate, Auckland - 16 Aug 2024